Rowan Redekopp has been selected to receive a $100,000 Schulich Leader Scholarship to study Computer Science at The University of Saskatchewan.
A graduate of Martensville High School in Martensville, Redekopp will be entering the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Program this Fall. Redekopp was selected by the Martensville High School Scholarship Committee for his outstanding academic and extra-curricular achievements. This is the second Nominee to win a Schulich Leader Scholarship at Martensville High School.
A total of 100 scholarships are being awarded – 50 engineering scholarships valued at $120,000 each and 50 science, technology or math scholarships valued at $100,000 each.
“We are proud to celebrate the continued success of Schulich Leader Scholarships, the premiere STEM scholarship program in Canada. This group of outstanding students will represent the best and brightest Canada has to offer and will make great contributions to society, both on a national and global scale. With their university expenses covered, they can focus their time on their studies, research projects, extracurriculars, and entrepreneurial ventures. They are the next generation of entrepreneurial-minded, technology innovators,” says program founder Mr. Schulich.
“I feel incredibly grateful for the amazing opportunity provided to me. This scholarship will allow me to continue to focus on my academics without financial stressors. When I received the call letting me know I was selected, I was in complete shock repeating the only words I could formulate which were, ‘thank you’. I will be eternally grateful and will be working diligently to make the most of this opportunity.” – Rowan Redekopp
“What distinguishes Rowan most from others in receiving the Schulich Leader Scholarship is that throughout his time at Martensville High School, he has consistently displayed a commitment to improving the lives of other students in our school through technological innovation. Rowan has created a practice quiz database for Physics 30 and Chemistry 30 students at our school to help students develop their knowledge and skills in both areas of study. He has created a school-based digital registration and attendance system for our school’s track and field program. Rowan’s commitment to helping others is also highlighted by his extra-curricular involvement in our school’s theatre arts productions, philanthropic group – Project Change, and Student Representative Council. Rowan has demonstrated his exceptional skills of self-motivation and technological creativity as our school’s representative at both the Provincial and National Skills Canada competitions, including earning a gold medal at Skills Canada Nationals in Quebec City last month. Our school is a better place because of Rowan!” – Martensville High School Scholarship Committee