The Martensville Messenger Newspaper is a weekly production that is available through an online digital issue, as well as distributed to most local business establishments within the area. Local information can be found online, and on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram. It is owned and operated by Martensville residents Jocelyn Ottenbreit and Shanine Sealey.
About the Editors
Editor – Shanine Sealey
Shanine Sealey has always had a passion for reading and writing. Growing up with a librarian for a mother, and working in a library as her first job at age 15, that passion continued to grow. After moving to Martensville in 2006 and working at the StarPhoenix for several years, Shanine was given the opportunity to join the team at the Martensville Messenger in 2011. From there, she fell in love with the world of newspapers. In 2014, Shanine and her co-worker Jocelyn Ottenbreit decided to purchase the Martensville Messenger, as they both felt it was an important part of the community and they wanted to continue its legacy within the City. Shanine has had the opportunity to meet so many amazing members of this community because of the Martensville Messenger, which is something that she is extremely grateful for. Her responsibilities include; reporting on local news, weekly production of the newspaper and day to day operations within the business.
Editor – Jocelyn Ottenbreit
After working in the health region for 10 years, Jocelyn Ottenbreit decided she needed a change in her career. In the Spring of 2012, she began working part-time for the Martensville Messenger with the owner, Jo Osczevski. Part-time turned into full time for two years and in May, 2014, the Martensville Messenger Newspaper was up for sale. Jocelyn and her co-worker Shanine Sealey decided to buy the business in September of 2014 and haven’t looked back since. Jocelyn is responsible for graphic ad design, sales, distribution and production of the newspaper. Living in Martensville for 25 years, and as a mother of two grown children, she has seen many changes in the community over the years. Her passion is continuing to provide an informative, local newspaper that keeps the community up to date on our expanding city and all it has to offer.
Ad Design – Jocelyn Ottenbreit
This Week In Sports – Janine Hayward
Janine Hayward has been a big part of the Martensville community for many years. She has been on many committees and was a major influence in getting minor football started in our community. Although her main career is a kindergarten teacher in Saskatoon, Janine has been the Sports Reporter for the Martensville Messenger since its inception in 2007.
Provincial Politics – Murray Mandryk
Travel – Dean Johnston
Dean Johnston is the author of three travel books, Behind the Albergue Door, Random Acts of Travel, France 2016, and the recently published Roam: The 9 Greatest Trips on Earth. Read all about his travels at