Traditional Print Advertising - From $50/issue
This is the tried-and-true advertising Martensville businesses rely on. We have full-colour options, which are worth check into. Here is a price breakdown of our available space:
- Full Page (10.25” x 15.5”) $795
- 1/2 Page (10.25” x 7.75”) $397
- 1/3 Page (10.25” x 5.17”) $277.55
- *Add $50 for colour
- 1/4 Page (5” x 7.75”) $206
- 1/2 Banner (5” x 3”) $128.75
- *Add $25 for colour
- Page Topper (10.25” x 1”) $45
- Business Directory (3” x 1.5”) $45
- Tower (3” x 6”) $103
- Square (3” x 3”) $80.00
Digital Website Advertising - From $109/month
We are now offering digital ad space. As this is a new venture for the newspaper, we are introducing introductory pricing. If you are interested in advertising on our website, please complete the form below and one of our advertising reps will contact you.
- Top Leaderboard (x2) 728 x 90 $169/month
- Top Sidebar 300 x 250 $109/month
- Sidebar Scroll 300 x 600 $109/month
Ads would rotate dependant on how many there are.
Business Directory Enhanced Listing – $39/year
Businesses registered with the City of Martensville and added to the Martensville Messenger website free of charge. If you want to reach more customers online, an Enhanced Listing is available. The enhanced listing makes your business standout from the rest! Here are the extra features that are included:
- Business Logo
- Short description of what your business is about
- Your business phone number turns into a click-to-call phone number
- Link to your company website
- Social media links (Facebook, Twitter & Linkedin)