The annual Martensville A&W Valley Street Stock 100 will be taking place Saturday, September 8th . This popular event provides something for everyone and brings a wide array of dazzling vehicles to the streets of Martensville. The day will be kicking off with a driver’s breakfast at A&W from 9am-11am where fans get a chance to meet their favorite drivers and have autographs signed. Following this, the show and shine will take place along Centennial Drive North from 11am-3pm, where City employees will work to direct traffic through as a portion of the road will be closed to display the vehicles.
At 5pm, race fans can begin entering the gates at Wyant Group Speedway in preparation for the big event! The race will begin at 6pm and will include Mini Stock, Sask Legends, Pro Truck, and of course the highly anticipated Cruisin’ the Dub Street Stock.
During intermission, keep an eye out for the highly recognizable A&W Root Bear and friends as they will be handing out balloons for the children in attendance. You can also enjoy the race sponsor victory lap which gives those that helped make this event happen a chance to take to the track themselves – although at a much lesser pace than the race vehicles!
Those looking to attend the race can be sure to have a great time. Tickets can be purchased at the gate, or at participating Saskatoon Shell stations. Children 12 & under can attend for free! While at Wyant Group Raceway, keep an eye out for members of the local Lion’s Club as they will be selling race programs.