Home » Prairie Spirit School Division Notifies Families of Cyber-Attack

Prairie Spirit School Division Notifies Families of Cyber-Attack

by Shanine Sealey

The Prairie Spirit School Division (PSSD) was one of numerous other school divisions within North America that were recently affected by a cyber-attack.

A letter was sent to families notifying them of the incident, noting that third-party provider PowerSchool, a student information software provider, was the “target of a recent cybersecurity incident.”

PSSD utilized PowerSchool for the management of school division data from 2009-2022. According to the letter, PowerSchool has informed the PSSD, that they were included in the cyber-attack, and that the data targeted primarily includes parent, student and teacher contact information, with data elements such as name and address information.

“PowerSchool will continue their analysis and provide more information and resources, including credit monitoring or identity protection services, if applicable,” the letter from PSSD explained.

PowerSchool says the company has taken all appropriate steps to prevent further unauthorized access or misuse of the data involved and the PSSD will share updates from PowerSchool with staff and families as it becomes available.

“We recognize the critical importance of protecting personal information, and we want to assure you that this matter is being treated with the utmost urgency. Please note that no action is required on your part at this time. We are committed to providing families and staff with updates as they become available from PowerSchool,” the PSSD stated.

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