Home » Drop Off Your Letters to Santa in Martensville

Drop Off Your Letters to Santa in Martensville

by Shanine Sealey

Santa knows if you have been naughty or nice. And kids know that writing a letter to Santa is the best way to ensure that all the toys they have been dreaming of throughout the year will be waiting for them under the tree on Christmas morning.

For over 40 years, Canada Post workers have ensured that approximately 1.5 million letters get delivered to Santa each year; however, the current Canada Post strike is putting a damper on getting letters delivered to the big guy in the red suit this year.

In Martensville, local resident Jan Diehl has installed a drop-box for letters to Santa at 835 Rock Hill Lane. Not only can children mail their letters, but they can also take in the amazing Christmas display within the yard.

Please include a physical return address on all letters so replies from Santa can be delivered. This opportunity is for Martensville children only.

The last day to deliver your letters to Santa is December 12th to ensure there is time before Christmas for Santa to reply to all the children that took the time to write to him.

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