by City of Martensville

New Year’s Eve Frenzy at the MAP

Kick off your New Year’s celebrations with an afternoon of family fun! Join us on December 31st from 1 PM to 6 PM for an all-ages event filled with activities everyone will enjoy.

Highlights include; Bounce house, Toddler time, Extra basketball nets, Volleyball and Pickleball.

Admission is just $3.50 per person or $10 per family.

Don’t miss out—contact the MAP for more information!

Committee of the Whole December 10th Recap

Provided is a summary of proceedings from last week, the December 10th Committee of the Whole Meeting of Martensville Council.

For more information, please contact the City Clerk’s Office or check>Agendas and Minutes, for adopted minutes of Council and Committee of the Whole.

• Representatives of the New Horizon’s Centre attended as a delegation to address Council about snow removal procedures.
• The 2025 proposed City Council Meeting and Committee of the Whole Meeting Dates were reviewed.
• Administration highlighted points for the declaration of eligibility for the Municipal Revenue Sharing Grant from the Province of Saskatchewan.
• Administration aims to address a policy to define parameters around the waiving of rental fees for municipal facilities. A policy will be drafted for review at a future Council Meeting.
• There was a request by a local business for a boulevard lease. This would enable the business to put a pylon sign in the road right of way. This will come to a future Council Meeting for approval
• A new dwelling group was proposed for Main Street and 16th Avenue. The proposal would initiate amendments for the Official Community Plan, Concept Plan and Zoning Bylaw.
• A subdivision application for two existing lots in the Meadows Business Park was reviewed and will be approved at future Council Meetings.

Sign up Before the New Year! – Switch to E-Bills and Enter to Win

Still receiving your bill by mail? Switching to e-bills is quick and easy, and Martensville residents who make the switch before December 31, 2024, will be entered to win one of 20 $50 gift cards. It only takes a few minutes to go paperless—visit > My Account.

Upcoming Council Meeting Dates

City of Martensville Council Meetings and Committee of the Whole Meetings are open to the public and we invite you to attend in person or virtually to see what is happening in our community.

January 14th- Committee of the Whole*
January 21st- Regular Council Meeting*
*tentative, subject to adoption

Location: Martensville City Hall Council Chambers, 37 Centennial Drive
Time: All meetings begin at 5 pm

If you’d like to speak or present at a meeting, make sure you’re on the agenda by contacting the City Clerk’s office. If you prefer to join from the comfort of your home, contact the City Clerk or check the online agenda at for the meeting link.

Snow Removal this Winter – What You Need to Know

The City’s Snow Removal Program aims to keep roads safe, accessible, and clear for emergency services, vehicles, and pedestrians. While our crews work diligently, winter weather can be unpredictable, and snow-clearing activities may vary. Here’s how you can help:

– Avoid pushing snow onto streets – This creates ridges that obstruct plowing efforts and creates larger snow ridges at your driveway.
Don’t pile snow on streets or hydrants – This can block emergency access.
Clear driveways before plows arrive – This helps crews work efficiently and prevents ridges.
Avoid parking on streets during snow clearing – Vehicles hinder operations and risk being blocked by snow.
Prevent driveway snow buildup – Place snow in yard areas rather than at the driveway edge.
Watch for posted removal zones – Vehicles parked in these areas may be ticketed and towed.
Stay back from sanding trucks– Keep a 15m distance to allow safe dispersion of salt and sand.

For more information and to view the City’s Priority Map, visit

Information on general program procedures and the City’s Priority Map is available online at

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