Home » Online Auction Being Held to Support Pop-Up Rescue Vet Bills

Online Auction Being Held to Support Pop-Up Rescue Vet Bills

by Shanine Sealey

It has been approximately one year since the Pop-Up Rescue Project oversaw the rescue of almost 200 dogs from a northern Saskatchewan community. These animals, many of which are now integral members of their new families, would not be alive today without the hard work and dedication of countless volunteers; donations from local businesses, organizations and individuals; and support from numerous animal rescues across several provinces.

Although there were, and still are, many people involved in the Pop-Up Rescue Project, Kristine O’Brien, owner/operator of Paws Republic Centre for Pets, spearheaded the rescue and managed to organize an army of kind-hearted individuals to ensure the dogs of different breeds, sizes and ages, were bathed, exercised, obtained the medical attention they required, and found homes to receive the love that they were so deserving of.

“Looking back, I can’t believe that we actually did this. The amount of support that we received was unimaginable and I could not be more grateful to each and every person that contributed in some way to make this possible. But we still need support. With all of those dogs comes a lot of medical expenses that we are still working our way through,” O’Brien stated.

Currently, Paws Republic is organizing an online auction, with proceeds going towards supporting the Pop-Up Rescue Project vet bills. The ‘Forever Home Online Auction will take place from January 27th – February 2nd and can be found on the ‘Pop-Up Rescue Project’ Facebook page.

A wide variety of items have already been added to the auction thanks to the generous donations from supporters and businesses, and items are still being added.

There are many ways to help support this incredible cause, such as; bidding on items in the auction, donating an item for the auction, sharing the auction with friends and family, or you can make a monetary donation. Every amount helps!

“While we appreciate every ounce of help we have received throughout this journey, we really couldn’t have done this without the support of the Martensville Veterinary Hospital. They have been instrumental in ensuring that all of these dogs can live long, healthy lives,” O’Brien added.

If you are interested in donating an item or making a monetary donation to the Pop-Up Rescue Project medical expenses, contact Paws Republic Centre for Pets at info@pawsrepublic.ca. Donations can also be made directly to Martensville Veterinary Hospital.

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