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Young Entrepreneur Donates For Breast Cancer Research

by Shanine Sealey

During the summer months, it is not uncommon to see our local young budding entrepreneurs working hard to provide lemonade and treats to passersby to earn some extra income. By offering a lemonade stand, it helps to teach children the value of a dollar, to build work ethic, encourage socialization, among many other benefits.

Local residents may have noticed one such stand near Dallas Martens Park as youngsters Lydia (6) and Landon (3) have been out working hard to raise money. All money raised is not going into their pockets, but instead being used to raise money in support of breast cancer research. Originally, the lemonade stand was arranged as a fun activity for the children; however, Lydia then suggested that they donate the money to a good cause. This is not the first time such generosity was demonstrated as at the age of 4, Lydia donated 10’’ of hair to breast cancer. In October of this year, Lydia plans to once again donate hair. “When I asked what we should do with the money, she replied to give it to someone in need. I asked if she would like to use it for when we cut her hair again and she said yes,” their mother Naomi Bregenser stated. Lydia plans to donate her hair during the breast cancer marathon being held October 26th at the Centre Mall.

Although young, the children have seen firsthand the effects of cancer and have experienced loss of their own through family and friends. Breast cancer hits home for the children, as their own grandmother was diagnosed in 2013. Thankfully it was caught early, and she is now cancer free. “It sounds like an easy process, but it wasn’t and now every year when I hear the marathon on the radio and all the stories that come from it, I remember a time when it was our family in those situations, which is why we have chosen to try to giveback and help out a little bit. Lydia knows it is for her Grandma when she was sick, but I’m not sure to what extent she realizes how much of a difference she makes. Who knows where we would be at today if we didn’t have the knowledge and research that has been put into this disease and these fundraisers are what makes all of that possible,” Naomi added.

The first lemonade stand was held on July 21st, with plans to hold another one in August. “Since the lemonade stand in July, Landon has been asking to do another,” Bregenser said. In 2016, when Lydia first donated her hair, a whopping total of $1960 was raised through lemonade stands, thanks to generous friends, family and co-workers, Bregenser explained and the hope is to be able to raise as much as possible once again. “Hopefully it works out again this year, but even if it doesn’t, every little bit helps!”

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