Home » Work Commences on Outdoor Rink Project at Martensville Sports Centre

Work Commences on Outdoor Rink Project at Martensville Sports Centre

by Shanine Sealey

https://martensvillemessenger.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/20201006_133048.jpgOn October 6th, Martensville City Council held their second last meeting of this term leading up to the 2020 Municipal Election. One of the items on the October 6th agenda was regarding work being done at the outdoor rink located at the Martensville Sports Centre. As part of the 2020 Capital Plan, $80,000 was allocated towards the construction of an outdoor rink support building, which will include a heated warm-up room and a garage to house the back-up Zamboni. Currently, work is being done to pave the surface of the outdoor rink.

The project was posted for tender, and all proposals came in significantly higher than the budgeted amount, with the lowest one being $157,400 plus taxes. The cost came in higher due to a number of factors that were unaccounted for during the time of budget; such as, a drain being added to the Zamboni garage to address water concerns from snow melting from the machine and costs to connect existing utility services in the Sports Centre were higher than expected. Additionally, the presence of underground utility lines mandated changes to the placement and orientation of the building, which now means that the proximity of the building to the Sports Centre requires the building walls to be fire rated.

In order to complete the project, an additional $90,000 in funding will be required, and Director of Recreation and Community Services, Ted Schaeffer, noted in his report to Council that it is anticipated that, “Due to provincial MEEP (Municipal Economic Enhancement Program) funding previously allocated to other 2020 capital projects, capital funding will be available to offset the additional expense.” Schaeffer, recommended that Council approve the additional costs for the project so it can be completed and ready for the 2020-2021 season. Once complete, due to COVID-19 restrictions, the outdoor rink capacity will be limited to 30 individuals and the warm-up area will be limited to 5-7 individuals.

Council also discussed the addition of an illuminated crosswalk to the community. This was previously discussed in September and Council brought back their suggestions for where the crosswalk should be located. Administration then took a look at the suggested options and provided their proposed locations, which was the pathway crossing 3rd Street North at the Kyle Syrenne Skatepark and Main Street and 6th Avenue South.

Another item brought back for discussion was regarding the newly named Veterans Square by City Hall. Administration brought the item to Council to approve the cost of a new sign to be installed which is estimated between $2500-$5500. This marks the first phase of the project, with the second phase being a memorial plaque attached to the stage within the area sometime in 2021.

This month’s Committee of the Whole meeting will take place October 13th at 5pm. See page 2 of this week’s issue of the Martensville Messenger for more information.

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