Home » Volunteers Needed For Martensville Repair Café

Volunteers Needed For Martensville Repair Café

by Shanine Sealey

A unique opportunity will be taking place at the Martensville Library on October 26th. Repair Café, presented by Affinity Credit Union and the Saskatchewan Waste Reduction Council (SWRC), will give local residents a chance to have some of their broken items repaired on the spot with the help of volunteers.

Repair Café is an international movement that is currently in its tenth year, with the purpose of promoting repair as an alternative to tossing things out. The Saskatoon Waste Reduction Council has helped to put on a Repair Café in Saskatoon with great success last October. Prince Albert is home to a more regularly scheduled Repair Café and Regina has seen success at these events before in the past as well.

The Martensville event is currently looking for repair experts that enjoy sharing their knowledge with their neighbors to volunteer. “What we are most in need of is someone to be our local host. They are there on the day of the event to help set up and take down, as well as find local repair experts,” SWRC Communications Coordinator Naomi Mihilewicz said. The host/hostess will provide coffee and tea, welcome visitors and serve as a contact point for both visitors and repairers in the Repair Café.

Some of the areas of expertise that the Repair Café would be looking for include:

– One or two people great at sewing repairs who can bring a sewing machine

– One or two people great at small electronic repairs who can bring a soldering iron and solder, a circuit tester and an assortment of small screws

– One person good at repairing wooden items who can bring a drill, bits and wood screws

– One person good at gluing and clamping who can bring elastic bands and clamps

There is no need to register for the event; however, you are required to stay with your item while it is being repaired, which also provides the opportunity to “learn a little in the process,” Mihilewicz added.

If you are interested in participating in this great event, contact Naomi Mihilewicz at naomi@swrc.ca, or call 306-931-3242 by October 5th. You can learn more about this event by visiting https://www.facebook.com/events/406872573349105/.

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