Gumshoe Productions is a Saskatchewan-based theatre company founded by local actor and playwright, Danielle Roy. Roy’s bold determination to bring important and difficult topics to the stage through original scripts is the main focus at Gumshoe Productions.
“Our mission is to ask more questions and to grow together through the telling of stories to deeper understand each other and the roles we play as individuals and as a collective,” said Roy.
All classes are instructed by Roy, who is a graduate of the University of Saskatchewan Bachelor of Fine Arts (Drama) Program and the Globe Theatre Conservatory Program. With over a decade of experience, she has been teaching theatre to all ages through drama programs including Persephone Theatre, SUM Theatre, and Saskatchewan Express.
In 2016, Roy founded Gumshoe Productions to bring more theatre opportunities to youth in Martensville, Warman, and surrounding area. Roy explained that the one-hour classes cover the basics of drama: acting, improv, mask work, confidence building, listening/focusing skills, character building, scene work, monologues, story-telling, and ensemble/teamwork.
Something that Roy looks forward to is the year end production as it is a very unique experience for students. They develop the skills over the course of the program to write and create a production of their own that they then share as a yearend performance. “This looks different every year depending on the group but is always a load of fun,” said Roy.
Classes are on Thursday evenings at the Martensville Sports Centre (Upper Mezzanine); Ages 7-9 @5:30pm-6:30pm, Ages 10-11 @ 6:30pm-7:30pm, Ages 11-13 @ 7:30pm-8:30pm and Ages 14+ @ 8:30pm-9:30pm. The program runs from Sept 2022 – May 2023 and the cost is $80/month.
There are still some spots available so you can register by email at