Water Meter Conversion Program Update, First Stage Complete –
Book Today to Avoid Surcharges
The City of Martensville initiated a program where existing water meters will be replaced with new automated water meters. This is a City-wide program to convert all existing meters*
Neptune Technology Group concluded their portion of meter converions, booking for a new meter is now done through City Hall
Meters that were not converted through the initial phase will be subject to a $50/month surcharge for manual meter reads. Implementation of these surcharges will commence and be announced for future billing periods.
More information about this program is available on Martensville.ca/services for residents/readingyourwatermeter
*Please note the Lake Vista area is not subject to this program
Property Tax Information – What you Need to Know
-Tax Notices were mailed out on April 29th. If anyone has not received their notice, they should contact City Hall. Ensure all contact information is up to date.
- Taxes are due July 31st, 2022 to avoid interest charges.
Ways to Pay
- Taxes can be paid by cash, cheque, or debit at City Hall.
-Taxes can also be paid online through Banking Bill Payments, or by etransfers; for payments: payments@martensville.ca.
Please include address &/or roll number in the comment section along with an indication the payment is for taxes.
Street Sweeping Season
Street Sweeping will be underway now moving into neighbourhoods but still tending to arterial and collector streets as required.
Watch for signs and posts in your neighbourhood. We ask that vehicles be removed from the streets on your ‘sweep’ day, however, tickets will not be issued, nor vehicles towed away.
Friendly reminder to please stay back from Street Sweeping equipment as crews work. For more information about street sweeping contact City Hall.
Let’s Keep our Lanes Clean, Fall Back Lane Clean-up
Placing garbage, materials or waste in our lanes is unsightly, can attract pests, be unsafe and impede maintenance or access to properties.
Property owners along a boulevard or lane are responsible for ensuring these areas are cleaned up. Key points under the Nuisance Abatement Bylaw include:
- The owner or occupier of property along a boulevard or lane shall ensure that the portion of the boulevard or lane next to the property, up to the centre line of the lane, is kept free and clear, at all times of weeds, uncontrolled growth of grass, plants and tree/shrub overgrowth.
- Dumping or placing any garden, vegetation, waste materials or tree branches along the boulevard or lane is against the municipal bylaw and subject to enforcement
- Use of lanes or boulevards for the dumping of household furniture, building materials or tires is not permitted.
Questions about Boulevard or Lane Maintenance can be referred to City Hall or consult the Nuisance Abatement Bylaw at Martensville.ca
The City of Martensville conducts an annual back lane and general clean-up once a year with this year’s dates being:
September 12th -16th for the Southside
September 19th -23rd for the Northside.
Items may be placed for pick-up one week before scheduled pick-up. In the interim please utilize the Loraas Landfill. Waste placed in lanes before this time is regulated under the Nuisance Abatement Bylaw and is subject to enforcement.
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day will be August 13th at the Sports Centre. Bring in your oils, paints, batteries and all items that pose a risk of contamination in the environment. For a list of accepted items visit Martensville.ca.
Lifting of the Public Health Order- What you Should Know
Saskatchewan’s current public health orders have been lifted, effective February 28, 2022.
City Hall and all civic facilities are open and available for business with the public. Civic facilities are a ‘mask-friendly’ environment, meaning the City of Martensville respects all individuals’ freedom to don a mask for their comfort and safety.
July Council Meeting Dates
Please Note: Council Meetings may be attended in-person but guests must wear a mask and should practice social distancing within Council Chambers. Those still wishing to attend but would wish to do so virtually should contact the City Clerk or visit the online agenda for the link to attend.
Committee of the Whole – July 12th
Regular Council Meeting – July 19th
The Regular Council Meetings are located at Martensville City Hall Council Chambers in Martensville City Hall at 37 Centennial Dr. S. All meetings commence at 5 PM.
Those wishing to address or do a presentation to Council must be placed on the agenda. To be placed on the agenda please contact the City Clerk’s office at City Hall or visit the website for details.
The full Council and Committee of the Whole Schedule can be obtained at martensville.ca.