My Father, Howard R. Nelson, was a medic in World War II. As a young man, he left his home in Norquay, SK, serving four years in England, France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. His work was hard and certainly not glamorous. I’m sure he did many heroic acts of which we know nothing. He was that sort of man.
With this brief background, I want to share a story that touches me deeply. My very elderly parents were living in the Linden, AB, nursing home. My dad, whose mind was very sharp, had befriended a young Dutch farmer from the area. They had a lot in common and from time to time would chat at the coffee shop. My sister was visiting dad in his room on Remembrance Day. About 8 or 8:30 in the evening there was a knocking at his door. This young friend came in saying, “Howard, I just remembered this is your Remembrance Day. Ours is in May. I thought if you were not in bed, I just had to come and say thank you. Thank you for freeing us.” His appreciation was warm and heartfelt.
After this young man, with the strong Dutch accent, left and my sister left, Dad, who had given the prime of his life, went to bed, with his memories and I’m sure tears for this one who had come to say thank you.
Our veterans are pretty well gone. If you know one, say thank you. If not, thank their families. As my story proves, a simple sincere thank you goes a long, long way.
Wanda Brown
Remembrance Day Service & Parade
November 11, 2017
Location: SaskTel Centre
Address: 3515 Thatcher Avenue
City: Saskatoon, SK S7R 1C4
Time: Doors at 9:00 a.m.
Choir begins at 9:25 a.m.
Event starts at 10:25 a.m.
Admission: Free