Numerous local residents donned their Rider Pride on Saturday, September 14th to embark on the annual Family Rider Bus Trip from Martensville. The bus took off from Martensville around 12:30pm and after making a stop at the RedZone in Saskatoon to pick up more fans, began the journey to the province’s capital to watch their beloved Riders take on the Montreal Alouettes.
The cost for attending includes transportation, game ticket, lunch, support and a bus load of Rider fun. “We had a ton of energy on the bus, great weather and a Rider win, so all in all, it was a successful day,” Angie Reddekopp, City of Martensville Recreation Coordinator, said.
This year was the tenth annual trip, hosted by the City of Martensville, with all funds raised going towards KidSport. KidSport is a program that is in place to help provide financial assistance in order to support youth participation in organized sports. Each year, there are numerous children aged 18 and under that would not have this opportunity if not for the confidential financial support offered through the KidSport organization.
“Thank you to everyone that came out to show their support to the Riders and to KidSport. This is an event that we are excited to bring back each year, and once again, it did not disappoint,” added Reddekopp.
Details about next year’s Family Rider Bus Trip will be announced shortly after the CFL schedule for the 2020 season is released.