Saskatchewan’s big game draw opens on May 1. Hunters have until midnight on May 25 to submit their online applications.
“Hunting is a popular pastime in Saskatchewan and the big game draw continues to be an important milestone for hunters,” Environment Minister Dustin Duncan said. “The Ministry of Environment works with the hunting community each year to improve the process and encourages all hunters to apply early.”
The 2020 Big Game Draw Supplement provides Saskatchewan resident hunters with information on seasons and quotas for draw species, as well as advance notice of any changes to this fall’s regular big game seasons.
Given recent mild winters, increased hunting opportunities for elk, pronghorn, mule deer and white-tailed deer will be available.
Changes remain in place to the big game draw pool system, which expanded the draw from four to six priority pools in 2018. The majority of applicants who qualified for the Legacy pool in 2019 were successfully drawn and the number of hunters moving from the Super A pool to Legacy pool remains low. The chances of being drawn are very good for those applicants eligible for the Legacy pool.
Apply early and use the online residency verification tool to avoid complications. Draws for several of the species receive a high number of applications compared to the number of licences available. For these species, the odds of being drawn will be low, even for applications in the top priority pool.
The application process remains largely unchanged. However, with no front-counter service at ministry field offices due to COVID-19, applications must be completed online. Information regarding the application, priority pools, wildlife management zone (WMZ) quotas and detailed application instructions are available at
The big game draw is administered through the Saskatchewan Hunting, Angling and Trapping Licence (HAL) system. Clients can submit, review and update their applications, check pool status history and purchase a draw licence through their HAL accounts.
Draw results will be available through HAL accounts in mid-June, with the exception of pronghorn, which will be available in mid-July. Applicants are responsible for checking their own draw results.
Successful applicants will be able to purchase licences through their HAL accounts beginning August 1, 2020.
For information on your HAL account or assistance with completing an application, please call 1-888-773-8450. If you have questions about your pool status or hunting in Saskatchewan, call the Ministry of Environment’s Inquiry Line at 1-800-567-4224. Further information about the big game draw is available at