Home » Saskatchewan Health Authority Preparing to Launch

Saskatchewan Health Authority Preparing to Launch

by Government of Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan Health Authority

On Monday, December 4, 2017, the new Saskatchewan Health Authority will launch. On that date, the employees and operations of the 12 Regional Health Authorities will officially transfer to the new organization. There will be no changes to health care programs, services, facilities or phone numbers as a result of transition. Residents and patients should continue to access care in the same way they always have.

“The transition to a single provincial health authority is a significant milestone, as we work to better integrate and coordinate health care services for Saskatchewan people, wherever they live,” Health Minister Jim Reiter said. “The focus is on streamlining governance and management across the province. Frontline employees will carry out their day-to-day patient care responsibilities as usual.”

By moving to a single provincial health authority, the provincial government will be able to reduce senior administrative staff positions by 86 per cent and reduce senior administrative staff salaries by 80 per cent or $9 million annually.

“Maintaining local connections and preserving strong community relationships is a priority for our government and for the Saskatchewan Health Authority,” Rural and Remote Health Minister Greg Ottenbreit said. “While there will be some changes to senior administration, management and support services will continue to be located across the province, and local health system contacts and representatives will still be available to community partners.”

“While the transition into one organization will formally occur on December 4, the work to unify the health system under a single organization and co-ordinate system-wide transformation to improve patient care will take time,” Saskatchewan Health Authority CEO Scott Livingstone said. “We are embarking on a multi-year journey in collaboration with patients, health care providers and partners across the health system.”

When the Saskatchewan Health Authority launches, it will be the largest organization in Saskatchewan, employing more than 44,000 employees and physicians responsible for the delivery of high quality and timely health care for the entire province.

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