Since 2015, Sask Central Victim Services (SCVS) has been working within the province to help assist victims of crime and traumatic events such as; abuse, domestic abuse, sexual assault, fires, break and enters, mental health issues and more. With financial support from the Ministry of Justice they work within the Sask Central region which consists of 11 RCMP detachments and four municipal police services. With a group of one coordinator, one administrative assistant, two assistant coordinators and a team of volunteer support workers, they have helped assist Saskatchewan residents in a variety of ways.
Working within four main areas, SCVS focuses on support, information, referral and advocacy. For support, they do initial trauma support, active listening, helping victims to complete Victim Impact Statements & Victim Compensation forms when applicable and more. “The goal is to help people feel more comfortable with the court process by preparing them as much as possible,” SCVS Assistant Coordinator Lacie Munholland explained.
A big part of the service is providing information to those that need it. This is done by assisting with court updates, prep, orientation and details about the overall justice system. SCVS also provides assistance to individuals to help them self-refer to any third party agency who might be able to help them such as; mental health and addiction supports, crisis centres, shelters, hotlines, etc., counselling including personal, family, grief, financial, as well as family services. “If someone has been a victim of a crime, or has gone through a traumatic situation it can be challenging to find the resources that are available to you, so we act as a support and advocate to guide people in the right direction, or to just help make them aware of what is available to them,” explained Munholland. The majority of referrals that come to SCVS originate from an RCMP detachment or from community agencies; however victims can self-refer as well.
Everyone that is employed by, or volunteers through SCVS is also an advocate for victims and help to assist in giving them a voice when theirs is not being heard.
Although they cover a wide geographic area of the province, there are numerous volunteers that have selflessly offered their services to help others. “Because of the large area we cover, the volunteers that we have had getting involved throughout the years has been a huge benefit to the program,” Munholland said. For those interested in becoming a volunteer within the program, they can contact 306-385-2683 or drop in to the SCVS AGM, taking place June 16th at 10am in the Martensville Heritage Centre. Munholland, who herself started as a volunteer with SCVS stated, “It is very rewarding at the end of the day to be able to work with individuals and help them and to support them when they need it most.”