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Regional Race Gearing Up For Second Year

by Shanine Sealey

The second annual SREDA Regional Race will be taking place on Saturday, September 15th. The purpose of this event is to help bring residents of Saskatoon, Martensville and Warman together and to highlight the two communities that are so close to Saskatoon.

Planned in partnership between the Saskatoon Regional Economic Development Authority (SREDA), the cities of Martensville and Warman and the Rural Municipality of Corman Park, the event will begin in Martensville with a warm up, and end in Warman with a brunch. For only $25, registration includes brunch, a race t-shirt, a swag bag and a shuttle back to Martensville. “This isn’t a fundraiser or a money making project, it’s just an opportunity for people to get out for the day and get the communities together,” Alex Fallon, the presidents and Chief Executive Officer at SREDA, explained.

Due to the success of last year’s race, organizers were excited to be able to provide this event once again. “Last year we had a goal of fifty participants and we ended up having approximately 100 people come out, and we are expecting even more this year. The Regional Race is more than a run, it is really more of a community event to get people out from Saskatoon and give them a chance to see Warman and Martensville and to have people from Martensville and Warman come out and get to know each other and recognize how close we are all to each other,” Fallon said.

Those participating are invited to walk or run a 10 kilometre course between the two communities, beginning in Martensville’s Kinsmen Park, and ending in Warman’s Prairie Oasis Park. With kid’s activities, a community BBQ, health and wellness education, comedic entertainment and more, this event offers something for all ages. Volunteers from both communities will help with set up, directing participants along the route and run the community BBQ.

The event will begin at 8:30 am with the warm up and the race will commence at 9:30 am, where participants can run, walk or jog a planned 10K course between Martensville and Warman, ending with a community BBQ that is open to everyone. “Even if you aren’t participating in the event, we invite you to come out and encourage and cheer on the participants and celebrate the cities and towns in the Saskatoon region,” Fallon added.

For those interested in participating, you can register for $25.00 at www.picatic.com/regionalrace. “This is definitely something that we hope to grow and we hope it is going to be even bigger this year than last year. You really do get a different perspective when you are jogging slowly through the communities and taking it all in,” Fallon said. It is not a timed event, so families are invited to bring everyone out to take part in the community event.

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