Home » PSCC Executive Director Reflects on Experiences With the Chamber

PSCC Executive Director Reflects on Experiences With the Chamber

by Shanine Sealey

Jaimie Malmgren has been an integral part of the local Chamber of Commerce as the Executive Director since 2014. First beginning her Chamber journey with Warman in a part-time position, her workload saw a significant increase come 2017 when the Warman and Martensville Chambers of Commerce amalgamated, creating the Prairie Sky Chamber of Commerce (PSCC), moving from the 11th and 12th largest Chambers of Commerce in Saskatchewan, to the fifth largest.

Malmgren will soon be saying goodbye to her position on the PSCC as she moves into a new opportunity as General Manager of Community Futures Mid Sask (CFMS), with her last day with the PSCC taking place April 16th.

“I feel as though I grew as the Chamber grew. When I first started, it was a blank slate, and through the years, it grew into something fantastic. I can’t reflect back on my Chamber journey without speaking about the very first Warman, Martensville & Region Business Excellence Awards. We knew that it was going to be a first for our region in many ways and that it was going to be a great event, but that feeling of walking in that evening and seeing how it all came together, myself and the committee were all blown away. It had a very magical feel to it, and it is something that I am proud to have been a part of and that it continues on to this day,” Malmgren said.

The amalgamation was another huge milestone that Malmgren was grateful to have been involved with. “In the past, there has been competition, whether it has been friendly or not, between Warman and Martensville and by amalgamating, I think we kind of erased that line a little bit and showed that municipal boundaries don’t define our economy. What’s good for one, is good for another. We had a regional vision when the amalgamation took place and so many amazing things have come from that.”

In her new role at CFMS, Malmgren will be utilizing many of the same skills that she used with the PSCC and will continue her work within the business community. CFMS was first established in 1986 and works with rural communities in the development of strategies for dealing with a changing economic environment through various means such as strategic planning, counselling and business development and financial assistance to small and medium sized businesses and entrepreneurs.

“In my time with the Chamber, I focused on assisting businesses and different initiatives that really encouraged economic development in the region. This is expanding on that a bit to a broader area, and thankfully, Warman and Martensville fall within that area, so you will still see me around,” Malmgren noted.
Currently, the PSCC is speaking with potential candidates for the Executive Director position, and until April 16th, Malmgren stated that it is business as usual for her as she prepares everything to ensure the transition will be as smooth as possible. “There won’t be any shortage of work for the new person and there are a lot of really exciting things that they will be able to emerge themselves in and hopefully take the Chamber onward and upward to the next level.”

“I am super grateful for my time with the Chamber and the people that I have met and experiences that I have had. This is a part of my life that I am always going to look back on very fondly.”

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