As a successful construction season comes to an end, work is already underway for next year.
“A lot has been accomplished this construction season including new passing lanes, surfacing, and bridge work,” Highways and Infrastructure Minister Lori Carr said. “We are excited that planning has begun for next season and we look forward to tackling even more important projects next year.”
Tendering capital projects early allows the ministry to secure contractors earlier, mitigate risk of inflationary pressures and allows the industry to grow and develop in a planned way.
The fall tender plan includes more than 25 planned projects and more than 600 kilometres (km) of highway work.
Projects to be tendered include:
• Resurfacing on Highway 1 west of Swift Current;
• Grading and paving of passing lanes on Highway 2 north of Moose Jaw;
• Highway 7 passing lanes between Rosetown and Kindersley;
• Resurfacing west of Kenaston on Highway 15;
• Grading and paving of passing lanes on Hwy 39 between Estevan and Weyburn;
• Resurfacing on Highway 305 near Dalmeny; and
• Microsurfacing on various highways.
“Tendering earlier and the government’s long-term financial commitment into highways and infrastructure has facilitated effective planning for our members,“ Saskatchewan Heavy Construction Association President Shantel Lipp said. “By getting the necessary resources in place, our members can begin work sooner than previously.”
All tenders can be found at Although the main construction season is wrapping up, some work occurs year-round, such as bridge and culvert work, along with gravel stockpiling.
The Government of Saskatchewan has invested $8.4 billion in transportation infrastructure since 2008.