Home » Police Warn of Parcel Delivery Scam

Police Warn of Parcel Delivery Scam

by Shanine Sealey

The Saskatoon Police Service has received several reports recently about a text message scam involving parcels.

The complainants reported receiving a text message indicating that they had a parcel waiting for pick-up but additional fees were required in order to collect it. When the victims clicked the link in the text message, they were guided through a series of steps and prompted for their credit card information. A diagram is attached that details the steps victims went through. At the top, the logo is meant to look like UPS, but is IPS.

Police wish to remind the public that parcel delivery services will not contact you via text message and request additional funds. Do not click on links in text messages or e-mails from unknown sources/senders. Never give your personal information or credit card information out.

At a time of year when people may be utilizing online shopping, please take a moment to be extra aware of how your parcels are expected to be delivered.

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