Home » Passions Beauty Salon Launches Prime Hair Brand

Passions Beauty Salon Launches Prime Hair Brand

by Shanine Sealey

Chelsey Harder, Karissa Moore and Karey Bloodworth created a winning mother/daughters combination when the three women joined forces to create a hair product line that they are proud to stand behind. Both Harder and Moore have worked in the salon industry for years and decided that they wanted to create a line of products that they could be proud to not only use on their own clients, but something that could be shared with stylists from across the country.

On Friday, May 10th, the ladies hosted a launch for Prime Hair Brand at the Sheraton Hotel and invited industry professionals to attend and learn more about their product line. “We wanted to create a brand with quality products that perform, but also to create a company that offers different things such as education, rewards and support for the salons and stylists – to create a culture that brings stylist together to support one another, and looking around tonight, I feel that we have done just that,” Moore stated.

“We are so excited to be on this journey and to be selling across Saskatchewan. We hope to be launching across Canada in the next couple of months,” Harder said.

For more information about Prime Hair Brand, visit ‘Prime Hair Brand’ on Facebook or www.primehairbrand.com. You can also email primehairbrand@hotmail.com.

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