Home » New Event Preparing for Summer Debut in Martensville

New Event Preparing for Summer Debut in Martensville

by Shanine Sealey

A fun new event is making its debut in Martensville this summer. On June 17th, local residents can participate in the first ever Martensville ColouRun, an idea that is closely based on the colour runs that take place in larger centres, such as Saskatoon. “We have such wonderful trails and facilities here in Martensville, so we thought, why not use them! Let’s help to keep our families and their events local. This is a great time to get the family and kiddos out and have an absolute blast together,” founder/organizer Meagan Barabash explained.

The event will consist of a 5km course, where participants can walk, run, come in a stroller and more. It will be an untimed course, with the ultimate goal of completing the event being covered in as much colour as possible. “It is a fun event for the whole family, sports teams, teens and more. We will be announcing costume contest opportunities, and more soon. The more outrageous, the better,” Barabash added.

The course will start at the North Ridge Community Centre and will run through Kinsmen Park and the surrounding area with a BBQ to follow. Volunteers are needed in order to ensure this event is a success and although some are already in place, Barabash says, “the more, the better.” You can contact Barabash at colour.martensville@gmail.com, or by messaging Martensville ColouRun on Facebook. In addition to volunteers, Barabash noted that they would be looking for “Community Partners” for sponsorship, prizes, etc.

Those interested in participating can register online at www.colourunmvlle.wixsite.com/colourun. Early bird registration will take place until May 1st and prices are as follows: 8 years and up $35 early bird ($45 after May 1st), 7 and under $20 early bird ($25 after May 1st). Participants under 8 years old are welcome to participate for free, but will not receive a race package. The race package includes a white ColouRun T-shirt, cool neon sunglasses, an individual bag of colour powder, goodies and more!

Proceeds from the event will be donated to a local fundraising or charity group, based on nominations from the community. To nominate an organization, contact Barabash at the information listed above.

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