Residents of Martensville may notice an increase on their utility bills as the City of Martensville received a 9.75% increase from SaskWater on water rates. “This rate increase will result in a consumption charge increase from $4.22/cubic meter to $4.63/cubic meter for Martensville residents. On average, for residential customers, this will result in an increase of approximately $6.50 per month. The flat rate minimum charge will not increase,” City of Martensville Director of Infrastructure and Planning, explained.
Administration from the City of Martensville has been working with the City of Saskatoon administration to finalize the details of water and wastewater lines between the two communities. This partnership would allow Martensville to purchase water directly from Saskatoon, and would see wastewater from Martensville being treated in Saskatoon.
The infrastructure project has received a $20.16 million New Build Canada Fund grant approval, and currently, the first phase of the project is underway, which includes communication upgrades at three of the City’s pumping stations. These upgrades will allow them to be controlled remotely, as well as a major upgrade to Water Pumphouse 1, which includes new pumps, controls, and modernized equipment and facilities.
This approved project will be funded one-third by the Government of Canada, one-third through the Provincial Government and the remaining one-third will be covered on a municipal level. Once complete, the project will see an upgrade to the existing lagoons, a new gravity conveyance system will be constructed to connect to the City of Saskatoon’s sanitary sewer system and there will be upgrades to the existing sewage lift station. Additionally, upgrades to the water supply reservoir and pumping stations and a new water main will connect to Saskatoon’s drinking water supply system.
An expected completion date of 2022 has been set for this project, with the initial steps beginning this summer. For more information visit – Services for Residents.