Home » Martensville Farmer’s Market Sees Success In New Location

Martensville Farmer’s Market Sees Success In New Location

by Shanine Sealey

The Martensville Farmer’s Market is once again in full swing and will be taking place each Wednesday from 10am to 2pm until September 30th in the parking lot of the Martensville Corner Store at 301 Centennial Drive North (across from Dollarama).

Marjan Petter, who has taken on the organization of the Martensville Farmer’s Market this year, said that the new location has proven to be quite successful. “So far things are going really good and the market has been quite busy each week for the whole time it is open. We are seeing quite a bit of traffic, so we are pleased that we decided to move it for this year.”

With this being Petter’s first year running the market, she started everything from scratch and currently, none of the same vendors from the past year are attending; however, there is an average of 8 to 10 vendors participating in the market each week. “We currently have about 5 steady vendors, with more popping in each week. It is nice to see the variety of items being offered and we are always looking for new vendors to come take part in the market,” Petter stated.

A wide variety of items are available at the market each week such as; fruits and veggies, pottery, cinnamon spread, refurbished furniture, dry soups, soaps, candles and more. Petter noted that one thing that they would like to be able to provide regularly is fresh baking, so they are looking for someone to take that on.

Each week, Petter said there are new options available, and starting on Wednesday, July 29th, Country Style BBQ will be attending and offering a variety of food options for customers at the Martensville Farmer’s Market. “We are really excited to be able to offer a lunch option for people in the area and they are planning on being there for the whole market season, so that is something else that we can look forward to each week.”

With COVID-19 still a very much real threat around us, Petter said that the vendors are taking precautions by spacing themselves and providing hand sanitizer; however, she reminds customers to be aware of physical distancing and to take the proper precautions.

For more information on how to become a vendor, contact Marjan Petter at 306-260-7395 or email petterfarms@gmail.com. “We are always welcoming new vendors and have spots available. The more, the merrier,” Petter said.

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