The Martensville Kinettes Club will be hosting their Charter Night on October 19th at 7:30pm in the Kinsmen Room at the Martensville Sports Centre. Tickets will be $20 and will include a program welcoming the new club into the Kin family as well as a midnight lunch and bar. The event will be open to all those 19+ and will also include live entertainment. They are inviting the community to come and join them in celebrating their inception. Tickets can be purchased by emailing or by calling Jodi at 306-361-9575.
The group’s first meeting was held on Tuesday, September 10th and they had a big turnout with many new faces taking part. “Our club is working on lots of events and projects already. We plan to go spend some time with the seniors at Diamond House in Warman at the end of this month; playing games, visiting and taking our kids to have a great night,” President Jodi Martens said.
The Kinettes will also be holding a food drive for the Martensville Free Pantry this fall, along with numerous other projects with the Martensville and District Kinsmen Club. “This is going to be a very exciting year. Please stay tuned and come out to support our great new club who is here to support the community’s greatest needs,” Martens added.
To learn more about the local group, find them on Facebook under ‘Martensville and District Kinettes’.