Home » Marauders Going Strong

Marauders Going Strong

by Jocelyn Ottenbreit

The U15AA Marauders continue to shine this year and have won round 1 of the SAAHL playoffs.

Their first opponent was the Saskatoon Stallions where they played their first game in Martensville on March 8th winning 2-1, and then on March 12th in Saskatoon defeating them 4-1.

Coach Chris Mathies said their scoring has been led by Kazden Mathies with four points, (1 goal and 3 assists) and Teigan Semchyshen (2 goals). Simon Garchinski, Kash Ringdal and Cohen Klassen also contributed to their wins, and each have two points. “Corben Schnurr has played net in both games, stopping 56 of 58 shots for a 0.966 save percentage,” said Mathies.

Game one of the second round is expected to be on Thursday, March 17. They will either be playing the Saskatoon Bandits or the West Central Wheat Kings.

Good luck to the Martensville Marauder U15AA team!

PHOTO CAPTION: 3rd Row L-R: Josh Priel (Assistant Coach), Cooper Flath, Cohen Klassen, Tyler Hale, Evan Skoronski, Tyson Janzen.

2nd Row L-R: Shaun Priel (Head Coach), Grady Stoddart-Reis, Kash Ringdal, Austin Root, Kohen Pierce, Clark Goebel, Todd White (Assistant Coach).

1st Row L-R: Brit Vandenameele, Teigan Semchyshen, Kaden Shumay, Kazden Mathies, Simon Garchinski, Carsen Adair, Corben Schnurr.

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