Home » Local Lion’s Club Celebrates 40th Anniversary

Local Lion’s Club Celebrates 40th Anniversary

by Cadderly Kingsbury

https://martensvillemessenger.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/lionlogo_2c.jpgThe Martensville & District Lions Club celebrated their 40th anniversary on March 31st; however, they did not celebrate the same way that most would. Their celebration stays true to what the Lions Club is all about, and will consist of them giving back to the community.

After hearing feedback from the local residents that attend the Martensville Spray Pool in Lion’s Park about not having an escape from the sun’s rays beating down on a hot day, the Lions Club decided to celebrate their milestone anniversary by having a gazebo-like structure built to provide shade and protection from the sun.

“The structure will be built within the spray park area, as there have been numerous complaints to the City about people getting sunburnt and not having a place for shade. We plan to host a grand opening event and a BBQ later in the summer,” Doug Ward of the Lions Club explained.

The Lions Club approached Martensville City Council to request help with financing the project, which would in turn be paid back by the organization over a number of years. The proposed budget for the project is an estimated $25,000 to $30,000.

The Lions Club was first initiated in 1917 and has since grown to over 1.3 million members in 188 countries. The motto of the organization is “We Serve”, and those involved are dedicated to helping and providing services to people that need assistance, and have disabilities. One example of this is that the Lions Club provides Dog Guides for those that require them free of charge, through various fundraising efforts.

The Martensville & District Lions Club began in 1979 and throughout their time in the community, have hosted a wide variety of fundraisers, and provided assistance for numerous residents, charities and the local schools.

A familiar face to many in the community is Syl Serblowski, who is one of the original members of the local Lions Club. “Langham and Warman were the sponsor clubs and from there, some guys got together to create another club here in Martensville. The Lion’s building that we currently use came from the rink area and was once used as the outside rink change house. It had to be moved quickly, so they asked us if we would be interested. That was an exciting moment for us,” Serblowski said.

The Lions Club has been a welcome addition to Martensville, and many have benefited from their contributions; whether it be through them raising money to help provide playground equipment for École Holy Mary Catholic School, donating a TV to the residents of the Golden Sunset Villa, raising money for Martensville KidSport or hosting a fun afternoon of bingo. Currently, the Lions Club is busy selling raffle tickets for the annual KidSport Playhouse raffle. The draw will take place on July 4th. Additionally, they are busy planning for their annual Walk for Dog Guides, which takes place in approximately 300 communities throughout the country. This year, the walk will take place on May 26th in Lion’s Park at 416 6th Avenue South.

For more information about the Martensville & District Lions Club, or to become a member, contact Geoff Passy at 306-371-0807 or gmpassy@gmail.com. Meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month at 7pm in the Lions Heritage Building.

Pictured above: Doug Ward at the annual Walk for Dog Guides in Martensville.

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