Martensville and District Kinette Club hosted a Charter Night on October 19th to swear in its 23 active members. With many volunteer opportunities and fundraising events already underway we are kicking off this year in high gear and we are so excited. These ladies have been busy volunteering at various functions and businesses, handing out pizza at Venture Heights School and track meet and Halloween helpers earlier this Fall. We love bringing our families along and playing bingo with the residents at Diamond House nursing home in Warman.
Fundraising is a huge part of our club especially at the start as we need funds so we can give back to the community’s greatest needs and the Telemiracle Foundation. Working bingo’s is just one way we have been fundraising, we also have Booze Survivor going on umtil December 6th with Make-A-Wish Saskatchewan. You will see us at the Small Business Christmas party on December 7th, helping out the Kinsmen and the Prairie Sky Chamber of Commerce.
Mark your calendars for February 8th as we will be hosting a fun night with Dueling Piano’s at the Brian King Center in Warman. Tickets are on sale for only $55 which includes dinner. Contact any Kinette member or call Jodi at 306-361-9575 for tickets.
February also marks our National Day of Kindness, so watch for us at your local CO-OP stores on Saturday February 22nd. Follow us on Facebook @Martensville and District Kinette Club.