The City of Martensville has made road repairs and upgrades a priority and will be working on several areas within the community this summer utilizing annual funding from the Federal Gas Tax Program.
In order to obtain this funding, the City of Martensville is required to submit project applications, which describes each planned project. This year, there were five separate project applications submitted, with a total cost that came in slightly higher than what was budgeted; however, due to this funding not being fully utilized in 2020, the remaining amount will be taken from reserves.
“Multiple streets will be getting either repaved or a surface treatment to help extend the life of the road structure and improve the driving surface,” Matt Gruza, City of Martensville Director of Infrastructure & Planning, stated.
For the five projects, the total funding is $577,000, with the total funding per the 2021 budget sitting at $569,000 and a total of $8,300 being used from 2020 reserves.
Although this roadwork would still be taking place without the Federal Gas Tax Fund, Gruza noted that the additional funding has allowed them to take on more work than would have occurred without it.
Projects include:
- Repaving 6th Avenue South between 4th Street South and Fehr Crescent in front of Lions Park ($87,900)
- Repaving 8th Avenue South from 4th Street South to 1st Street South in front of Valley Manor Elementary School ($117,700)
- Roadway surface treatment on Main Street from 2nd Avenue to 8th Avenue ($158,700)
- Repave Baycroft Drive from 3rd Street North to 5th Street North ($95,700)
- Repave 6th Street North from Klassen Crescent to 8th Avenue North in front of Venture Heights Elementary School ($117,300)
“The City uses a schedule that was developed by a third-party engineering firm as well as the current budget to help determine which streets will be paved this year. The schedule that was developed is not solely based on the existing condition of the road, but also takes into account the recommended roadway treatment type; i.e. full reconstruction of base gravel and asphalt, mill off the old asphalt and repave, or a surface treatment to prolong the existing asphalt; to help extend the lifetime of the roads that are currently in good condition while still repairing roads that are in bad condition,” Gruza added.
These projects were approved by Council at the June 15th meeting and construction is expected to takje place between July and August. Residents that are directly affected by the construction will receive notices once the contractor that the City is using confirms the upcoming schedule.
For more information about upcoming roadway construction and other community news within Martensville, visit, or follow ‘City of Martensville’ on social media.