As a way to continue to keep the community as safe as possible, Dr. Allison Adamus at Martensville Collective Health and Wellness (MCHW) decided to do things a little different this year when it came to offering flu vaccinations. With COVID-19 preventing them from hosting their typical flu shot options to the community, including their Shots for Tots program; they decided to offer a three-day drive-thru flu vaccination clinic.
The drive-in clinic was held at the Martensville Aquatic Centre, with dates taking place Monday, October 19, Tuesday, October 20 and Saturday, October 24. In total, over 1000 people took part in the three-day event.
Offering the flu vaccination in the MCHW clinic would have limited the amount of people able to receive it, as screening and sanitization requirements would be a timely process. “We wouldn’t be able to get through as many people as there is demand in a reasonable amount of time, so we decided to do it this way to try to get the community vaccinated as soon as possible. We are expecting an increased uptake in flu vaccine this year, so we are hoping that between this clinic and the pharmacies offering vaccines that we can get everybody done as early as possible,” Adamus explained.
Those that took part in this event were asked to stay in their vehicle as they approached the front entrance of the Aquatic Centre. From there, a MCHW team member provided you with the appropriate forms. Vaccines were given by one of the physicians on duty while individuals remained in their vehicles. After receiving the vaccine, there was a waiting area set up that they were asked to pull into and wait 15 minutes to ensure there were no adverse reactions.
For those looking for alternate options, the pharmacies in Martensville are offering vaccines by appointment. Be sure to contact the pharmacy prior to attending to book a time and screen for COVID-19 symptoms beforehand. When attending, you will likely be screened for COVID and will be asked to wear a mask or face covering, as well as a shirt with short sleeves. Arrive on time for your appointment, not early and limit the people that you bring in with you.
“I always recommend getting the flu vaccine; however, this year is more important than ever. The flu and COVID share the same symptoms, and it will always be assumed to be COVID until proven otherwise, so if we can prevent people from having symptoms and having to go through that whole rigmarole, it will be so much easier on everyone,” Dr. Adamus added.
For more information, visit ‘Martensville Collective Health and Wellness’ on Facebook, or visit