Home » Council Reviews Proposed Plan For Development West of Highway 12

Council Reviews Proposed Plan For Development West of Highway 12

by Shanine Sealey

The July Committee of the Whole meeting for the City of Martensville was a full one that covered numerous topics. Council meetings may be returning shortly to their usual set-up in Council Chambers at City Hall rather than the virtual meetings that have been taking place since this past March due to COVID-19.

The first item on the agenda was a presentation from North Prairie Homes regarding their proposed West Sector Plan. This plan includes 671 acres of land on the west side of Highway 12. According to Mayor Kent Muench, “This plan is at the highest level of planning within the city. At complete buildup, the neighborhood could be home to 11,000 people.”

Within the provided draft of the plan, North Prairie Homes states that, “Martensville West will be a vibrant and dynamic mixed-use community that shall cater to all demographics of Martensville residents. With a land use mix guided by a comprehensive market assessment, the Plan area will develop as a complete community woven together via an integrated parks and open space system, containing a diverse range of housing options, local and community commercial services, institutional uses and recreational and social opportunities.”

The plan includes items such as major roadways, servicing and infrastructure requirements and potential new school locations. “The densities and specifics of the neighborhood come at the next level of planning, the concept plan stage. The final stage is the actual subdivision of lots. So although there is still a lot of work to do before you will see a house, this is the first and critical milestone in their project,” Mayor Muench explained.

Next on the agenda was a request from Canalta Real Estate Services, who own three separate properties within Martensville and are requesting that Council approve a 10% reduction in their property taxes due to the impact of COVID-19. The total requested would equal $4733.63. In a letter sent to Council, Cam Christianson, President and CEO at Canalta Corporate Office, noted that other municipalities have approved their request and that their business, like so many across Canada, have been reduced to temporary closures and minimal to no income, which has severely impacted their cashflow. Council discussed this request and felt it’s important to work collaboratively with all businesses, not just this separate request. The item will be brought back to an upcoming meeting for a final decision.

Ted Schaeffer, Director of Recreation & Community Services, then spoke to Council about a request from Great Plains College regarding their lease agreement for space at the Civic Centre. In 2019, an agreement was made with Great Plains College; however, GPC is now looking at expanding their programming so would like additional space, as well as the option to renew their lease on an ongoing basis.

The next Council meeting will take place Tuesday, July 21st. More information on Council meetings and the weekly agenda can be found at martensville.ca.

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