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Council Holds Final Meeting of Current Four-Year Term

by Shanine Sealey

Martensville City Council hosted their final meeting of October this week, which also marked the final meeting for the current Council’s four-year term. “It’s hard to believe as the time seems to have passed by so quickly. I would like to thank all six councillors for their dedication, passion and knowledge that they have shared over the past four years. My work as mayor can only happen effectively when there is an environment of diversity and collaboration. I can honestly say that this was always the case. Bob, Tyson, Jamie, Darren, Deb and Mike, you should all be so very proud. Thank you,” Mayor Kent Muench posted on his Facebook page, ‘Kent Muench, Mayor of Martensville, Saskatchewan, Canada’.

An item that has been up for discussion at several past Council meetings is regarding the illuminated pedestrian crosswalk at Main and 6th Avenue South. Initially, conversation took place regarding the location in which the illuminated crosswalk should be; however, at the October 20th Council meeting, a new topic was discussed. The City of Martensville was approached by vendor ATS Traffic for a 90-day free trial for a different, more inexpensive model than was originally planned for. This new model would not require technicians to install it, and could instead be done by employees of the City of Martensville. Council appeared to be in favour of a trial period with this newly suggested model.

In the Manager’s Report to Council, Director of Recreation and Community Services Ted Schaeffer updated Council that over the next 1 to 2 weeks, there will be action taking place at the Kyle Syrenne Skatepark, as the electrical requirements for skatepark cameras has been completed and installation will take place over this time.

For those that are curious as to where Martensville’s current population sits, Covered Populations numbers up to June 30, 2020 have been updated and the City currently is listed as 11,129 people registered as living in Martensville, which is an increase of 307 people since the same time last year.

At the end of the meeting, Mayor Muench took a moment to acknowledge Council for the past four years of hard work and dedication that have been put forward by each member and presented Councillor Bob Blackwell with a token of thank you for his eight years on Council. Blackwell will not be seeking re-election this year and from the comments made by each of his peers, Blackwell will be much missed in Council Chambers.

As a reminder for Martensville residents, advanced polls for City Council voting will take place Wednesday, October 28th from 3pm-7pm, Saturday, October 31st from 10pm-2pm and Wednesday, November 4th from 3pm-7pm – all at City Hall. Election Day is Monday, November 9th from 8am-8pm at North Ridge Community Centre.

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