The City of Martensville October Committee of the Whole meeting was held this past Tuesday, with numerous topics on the agenda. Firstly, members of the RCMP presented a list of up to date statistics for the year to Council. Compared with a report from last year, covering a period from January to October, 2018 numbers are down in the majority of areas. Provincial Traffic Offences went from 757 in 2017 to 457 in 2018, Harassment/Threats dropped from 29 actual offences to 18, Assaults went to 26 from 2017’s total of 53, Property – Theft Under $5,000 is currently at 60 for 2018 compared to 77 in 2017 among others. In total, total calls for service in 2017 were 2089 reported and 2018 actual, while 2018 totals are sitting at 1519 reported with 1455 actual.
City Clerk Carla Budnick then spoke to Council about the upcoming cannabis legalization on October 17th, and the Proposed Drug & Alcohol Policy for the City of Martensville. The previous Alcohol Policy was drafted in 2006, and amended in 2013; however has now required updating to include both alcohol and drug (illegal or legal) use. Since the legalization date announcement several months ago, the City of Martensville has been communicating with other municipalities and reviewed several policies. Budnick noted in her report that, “The City feels they have developed a policy that will ensure the safety and well-being of all employees and general public.” Plans for each department to meet and review the new policy will be set, and each employee will be given their own copy and asked to sign an Employee Consent Form which will be filed in their personnel file. Budnick proposed that a motion be brought forth for formal approval of the Drug & Alcohol Policy report.
The next item on the agenda was a request from the Saskatchewan Health Authority Immunization Department to waive the rental fees at North Ridge Community Centre for a public influenza clinic, which will be held November 1st. Director of Recreation and Community Services, Ted Schaeffer, recommended that Council agree to waive the fees as the initiative would have a positive impact on the health of the community. Council was in favour of this decision and will bring a motion next week for formal approval.
The City of Martensville received an application with a request to allow the development of a two unit dwelling at 775 1st Avenue North. Planner Kevin Ingram advised that his recommendation would be to allow the development of the structure on the condition that the property owner obtain a building permit for the second unit within the principal building.
Bonnie Gorelitza, City of Martensville Planning Manager then spoke to Council regarding the South East Sector Plan Scope Change Requests. Within the Request for Direction, Gorelitza noted that there were two requests for budget changes. First, on the Environmental Presentation which includes wetlands that can provide an opportunity to enhance water discharge from the area, while providing amenity spaces for the community, and wildlife protection. Gorelitza stated that more information is needed to better understand the importance of the wetlands within this Sector Plan. Plans to provide a professional Wetland Scientist and Ecologist to present to stakeholders at an upcoming meeting is in place. Additionally, a Transportation Engineer attended the last workshop and has provided additional resources as necessary to the SE Sector Plan project. This was in addition to the original budget. The remaining budget to complete the Traffic Impact Assessment will not be sufficient without a request for budget adjustment. Council has requested more information on this.
Community Economic Development Manager Dillon Shewchuk spoke to Council on various items highlighting an update from his department. Shewchuk noted several topics including that work continues on the Seniors project. Shewchuk has been working with New Horizons Senior Centre to establish a date in order to provide a project update, which community members would be invited to. Shewchuk has also been meeting and working with numerous local businesses regarding expansion.
With plans in place to host a Martensville Business Expo on April 5-6, 2019, Shewchuk has met with the Prairie Sky Chamber of Commerce to discuss layout and ensuring that both attendees and exhibitors can benefit from the event.
Martensville City Council will meet for one final meeting this month on Tuesday, October 16th. Members of the public are invited to attend meetings, and can find the agenda for each meeting at