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Construction Continues

by Shanine Sealey

Many Martensville residents’ regular patterns have been detoured lately due to construction taking place within the community, including at the intersection of Main Street and Centennial Drive. This project will include new asphalt on Centennial Drive between Main Street and 1st Street South as well as a full rebuild of Main Street between Centennial Drive and 1st Avenue including the connection of two catch basins and a trench drain to improve drainage.

One of the most recent phases of this project began on Thursday, October 17th as crews work on replacing the swales at the intersection of Main and 1st Avenue. This work created a closure of the section of Main Street from Centennial Drive to 2nd Avenue. Once the concrete has cured, crews will finish the base work followed by paving the area. Paving of Main Street from Centennial Drive to 2nd Avenue is scheduled for October 24th.

Following the completion of the Main Street paving, crews will begin paving Centennial Drive. As of Friday, October 25th, the intersection of Main Street and Centennial Drive will be closed entirely to allow paving crews to finish paving the intersection. During this time, there will be no access into or out of Martensville from the interchange. While the intersection is closed, drivers are asked to use alternate routes into and out of the City such as; Highway 305, Lutheran Road, or the 4th Street South ramp.

The paving of the intersection is expected to take one day and once paved, Main Street and Centennial Drive North will be open to traffic. The first block of Centennial Drive South will be paved on Saturday, October 26th. Once crews complete this work area, they will move back to the 600 block of Centennial Drive South to finish paving between 6th Street South and Chaparral Blvd.

According to City of Martensville Engineering Assistant Scott Loyns, “If weather cooperates, we’re expecting this to be completed by the end of the month.” Work will continue to be completed in phases to reduce the impact on motorists as much as possible. As the construction area and detours are changing frequently, motorists are asked to be mindful of all signage, barricades and workers as locations and traffic patterns change. “We understand that residents may be frustrated with the lack of progress on the road construction this season and apologize for these delays. The City will continue to work closely with contractors to ensure the intersection of Main Street and Centennial Drive will be finished and opened to traffic as soon as possible.”

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