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Cold Weather Strategy Ensuring Everyone Is Safe and Warm During Extreme Cold

by Government of Saskatchewan
cold weather

With extreme cold across the province, the Government of Saskatchewan, along with its community partners, wants to remind residents of its Cold Weather Strategy to ensure that every Saskatchewan resident has a safe and warm place to sleep.

“These extreme temperatures are especially dangerous for people who don’t have shelter or a home,” Social Services Minister Paul Merriman said. “Shelter spaces are still available across the province and we encourage anyone who finds themselves without shelter to contact the Ministry of Social Services, our community partners or 911 for help. We will find them a warm, safe place to stay.”

“Homelessness puts those who are the most vulnerable at risk during winter in Saskatchewan,” Regina Mobile Crisis Executive Director John McFadyen said. “We are here to make sure everyone has somewhere warm and safe to sleep during this cold snap. Please contact us if you need shelter – we are here to help and there are shelter spaces available.”

In Regina, Mobile Crisis Services provides services and referrals 24 hours a day, seven days a week and can be reached at (306) 757-0127. People will be connected with the appropriate shelter supports in Regina that will meet their needs. During weekday business hours, people can drop into the Ministry of Social Services’ Regina Service Centre at 2045 Broad Street for assistance.

In Saskatoon, the Salvation Army can be contacted by calling (306) 244-6280. They provide emergency services and referrals 24 hours a day, seven days a week. People will be directed to appropriate shelter supports in Saskatoon that will meet their needs. During weekday business hours, people may visit the Ministry of Social Services’ Saskatoon Service Centre at 160 – 2nd Avenue South for assistance.

In Prince Albert, Prince Albert Mobile Crisis is available after hours at (306) 764-1011 and will connect callers with shelter supports. YWCA after-hours emergency services for men and women at Our House (15th Street Location) are available by calling (306) 922-6162.

People in other communities across the province should contact their nearest Ministry of Social Services Centre. A list of service centres is available at www.saskatchewan.ca/residents/family-and-social-support/find-a-social-services-office. They can also contact an emergency shelter, Mobile Crisis Services (if available in their community) or the police. Members of the public are encouraged to call 911 if they see someone in immediate danger. A list of shelters and services for people in need is available at www.sk.211.ca.

Additionally, motorists are advised to stay with their vehicle if they are experiencing car trouble in extreme cold as it is much safer to stay with your vehicle while you wait for help.

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