December Council Meeting Dates
Committee of the Whole- December 10th
Regular Council- December 17th
The Regular Council Meetings are located at Martensville City Hall Council Chambers.
Martensville City Hall
37 Centennial Dr. S
All Regular Council Meetings and Committee of the Whole Meetings are open to the public.
All meetings commence at 5PM.
Those wishing to address or do a presentation to Council must be placed on the agenda. To be placed on the agenda please contact the City Clerk’s office at City Hall or visit the website for details.
The full Council and Committee of the Whole Schedule can be obtained at
Sign up for Subscription Notifications- Get News, Service Reminders, and Upcoming Events
Have you lost track if its Garbage or Recycle Day? Visit today and sign up for Subscription Notifications and have service reminders, events, public notices and news sent right to your inbox. Simply look for the megaphone icon on and follow the prompts.
Water Meter Read/Estimate Schedule
Between the months of October and May, the City puts in place an alternating schedule that includes meter reading for half of the City.
The alternating schedule is in place during these months due to extra time required to complete city-wide, month to month meter reads. Changes to seasonal staffing, colder temperatures, inclement weather, higher priority maintenance issues in cooler seasons, are all contributing factors in encouraging residents to provide their own meter reading.
The preferred dates to submit your reading is between the 19th and 24th
November- South Estimated or Submitted, North reads
December- South reads, North estimated or submitted
January- South estimated or submitted, North reads
February- South reads, North estimated or submitted
March- South estimated or submitted, North reads
April- South reads, North estimated or submitted
Note: Kinsmen Crescent Residents are included with and should follow South Scheduling
Your water bill will be based on actual consumption preventing you from being over billed or under billed
Days of usage may be higher when an estimate is used resulting in higher billing. A water meter read will ensure accuracy.
Estimates are based on prior usage, including summer months where water usage is typically higher. Actual water use in winter months will likely be lower resulting in a lower actual bill.
By Phone- (306) 683-5556, you may leave a message but ensure to give your name and address with your meter read.
By Email- Contact our to leave your water meter read
In Person- Stop by City Hall during regular office hours to leave us your meter read.
SNOW AND ICE CONTROL PROGRAM – What you need to know
The program aims to facilitate the handling of emergencies by Police, Fire, and Ambulance services during the winter months, reduce the hazards of icy conditions to motorists and pedestrians, and minimize the economic losses to the community and industry resulting from unsatisfactory winter driving conditions.
Information on general program procedures and the City’s Priority Map is available online at, but here are a few ways you can help our crews keep our streets as clear and safe as possible:
– Do not shovel, blow, or push snow from private property onto the street – this causes snow ridges on your driveway when our plow cleans your street.
– Do not plow or pile snow on streets – this can block access to manholes and water valves and be a safety hazard.
– Clear your driveways in advance of the city’s snow clearing operations – this helps our operators clear your street more efficiently.
– Do not park your vehicle in an area where it could obstruct snow removal procedures this hinders our operations and could result in a snow ridge blocking your vehicle in place.
– Do not leave large piles of snow at the corners of driveways – this snow can be caught by a raised snow-gate blade and topple over into your driveway or the street.
-Prevent snow from piling up on the front of your driveway by moving it near your tree/lawn areas behind your walkway.
-Watch for posted areas for Snow Removal- In case of snow and snow removal, crews need to have roads cleared of all vehicles on posted streets. If you are going out of the City over the holidays, please have your vehicles off City streets. Vehicles left on the street per the traffic bylaw are ticketed and towed (to a non-posted area).
–Stay Clear of Sanding Trucks– Crews apply a mixture of salt and sand on our streets and intersections to ensure safer driving conditions. If you are near or behind the sanding truck you are reminded to stay back 15m to allow the truck to disperse materials and to prevent materials from potentially hitting your vehicle.
Our crews strive to delivery excellent services, however sometimes weather can be unpredictable, and snow and ice control activities may vary. Every reasonable effort will be made to remove snow and ice and create safe driving and walking conditions in a timely manner.
Take Part in Martensville’s Future – Be Part of the Official Community Plan Update
The City of Martensville is reviewing and updating our Official Community Plan, and we need your help. Official Community Plans are important. They guide growth, development and change for at least the next 10 years… and Martensville is going to grow!
Your opinions and voice are being requested at an Engagement Event to be held on:
Tuesday November 26, 2019 from 7pm to 9pm.
Front Foyer of City Hall at 37 Centennial Drive South.
This event will be informative and ask you to leave with us your written comments on a variety of topics such as:
-A Place to Call Home – Residential Policies
-A Thriving Economy/Martensville Works – Commercial and Industrial Policies
-Adding Choices to Get Around – Transportation
-Quality, Efficient Community Services
-Managing Your Taxes – Financial Policies
-An Environment for Future Generations – Environmental Policies
Please save the date in your calendar and come out to this important event. Snacks and refreshments will be available at the venue for all participants.
For further information, please contact: Bonnie Gorelitza, Planning Manager at 306-683-5564, or
Information on Coyotes Around Urban Areas
Coyotes have been spotted in areas around Martensville. There are several things you can do if you have an encounter with a coyote and discourage them from coming near more populated areas.
- Do not approach, allow coyote to escape by identifying and maintaining escape routes
- Never feed the animals
- Do not turn your back or run
- Act assertive, yell and wave your arms (act big, bad and loud)
- Keep pets away to avoid creating additional stress for the animal
- Ensure household garbage is securely stored in garbage bins, store bird seed, compost and pet food so it cannot be accessed.
- Clean up fallen fruit
- Pick up dog feces and be aware that dog urine may also attract coyotes
- Do not allow your pets to roam freely, and keep dogs on leash
If the coyote is acting unusual (approaching people, limping, staggering or acting confused) do not approach, contact City Hall, or the regional Conservation Office or the RCMP outside regular business hours.
Please Watch for Signage around our Parks and pathways. We will continue to monitor activity going forward.