Help Keep Our City Clean, a Reminder In Respect To Boulevard and Lane Maintenance
– The owner or occupier of property adjacent to a boulevard or lane shall ensure that the portion of the boulevard or lane adjacent to the property, up to the centre line of the lane, is kept free and clear, at all times of weeds, uncontrolled growth of grass, plants and tree/shrub overgrowth.
– No owner or occupier of property adjacent to a boulevard or lane, or any other person, shall deposit or cause, suffer or permit the deposit of any garden, vegetation, waste materials or tree branches on or upon a boulevard or lane adjacent to the property, up to the centre line of the lane.
– No owner or occupier of property adjacent to boulevard or lane, or any other person, shall deposit or cause, suffer or permit the deposit of household furniture, building materials or tires on or upon a boulevard or lane adjacent to the property, up to the centre line of the lane.
Questions about Boulevard or Lane Maintenance can be referred to City Hall or consult the Nuisance Abatement Bylaw at
The City of Martensville would like to remind residents that it is our responsibility to control and clean up after our pets even in off-leash areas such as the dog park.Here are some important reminders for pet owners as per the Animal Control Bylaw:
• Do not allow your pet to be or become a nuisance by excessive barking, howling, or become threatening to other owners or pets;
• Do not allow your pet to run at large;
• Clean up defecation of your animal from private or public properties, other than the property occupied by the owner;
• Do not allow your pet to run at large.
Visit to see the complete Animal Control Bylaw or contact the Bylaw Enforcement Officer at (306) 229-6859 with questions.
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day August 11th
The City of Martensville will be holding a Hazardous Household Waste (HHW) Collection day on Saturday, August 11, 2018 from 9:30am to 3:30pm in the parking lot of the Martensville Sports Centre.
This event will give residents of Martensville the opportunity to dispose of a variety of hazardous household waste and chemicals that cannot be disposed of in the regular garbage or recycling collection.
For a complete list of Accepted Materials and for more information visit
New Changes to
Sign up for Subscription Notifications, Enhancements to Program Registrations
Have you lost track if its Garbage or Recycle Day? Visit today and sign up for Subscription Notifications and have service reminders, events, public notices and news sent right to your inbox. Simply look for the megaphone icon on and follow the prompts.
The City of Martensville has updated our registration, facility, and membership software to Max Galaxy. These enhancements will provide a smoother, better and more intuitive service for everyone utilizing recreation programs and facilities.
To create your NEW account visit and look for the Program Registration Icon.
Customers with current memberships and registrations have already been added to the program and New accounts have been created. If you think your account has been activated, click on “LOGIN” in the top right corner then click on “Forgot Password” to reset the password on your account.
If you have any questions regarding this site or your account, please contact the Martensville Athletic Pavilion at 306-683-5577 or
2018 August Council Meeting Dates
Committee of the Whole- August 14th
Regular Council- August 21st
The Council Meetings are located at Martensville City Hall Council Chambers in Martensville City Hall at 37 Centennial Dr. S
All Regular Council Meetings and Committee of the Whole Meetings are open to the public. All meetings commence at 5PM. Those wishing to address or do a presentation to Council must be placed on the agenda. To be placed on the agenda please contact the City Clerk’s office at City Hall or visit the website for details.
The full Council and Committee of the Whole Schedule can be obtained at