Keeping Hydrants Clear of Snow
With the recent snowfall, the City of Martensville and the Martensville Fire Department would like to ask residents for their assistance with keeping the fire hydrants clear of snow, parked vehicles, and other obstructions. Clearing snow from the hydrant helps keep hydrants visible and easily assessable which will save valuable time in the case of an emergency.
Property Owners may be subject to fines for burying or obstructing hydrants.
To find out more including the Snow Management Bylaw, please visit
Income Tax Information Session
Hosted by the Martensville Library, this information session will help you find out about benefit and credit payments for if you do your taxes every year, how benefits are calculated and when to apply.
Session takes place: Wednesday, January 29th at the Martensville Branch Library 66 Main Street- Civic Centre
Contact the Library for more information
Water Line Freeze Ups- Service Interruptions
If you have an interruption of water service to your home, you may have a waterline freeze up.
Though there have been no reports of freeze-ups to date, if you experience a waterline freeze-up, or any other interruption in service, please call (306) 931-2166 to report your issue.
If this happens outside of regular business hours, please follow the prompts to be transferred to the emergency after-hours contact. Thank you for your co-operation!
January-February Council Meeting Dates
Regular Council- January 21st
Committee of the Whole- February 11th
Regular Council – February 18th
The Regular Council Meetings are located at Martensville City Hall Council Chambers.
Martensville City Hall at 37 Centennial Dr. S. All Regular Council Meetings and Committee of the Whole Meetings are open to the public. All meetings commence at 5PM.
Those wishing to address or do a presentation to Council must be placed on the agenda. To be placed on the agenda please contact the City Clerk’s office at City Hall or visit the website for details.
The full Council and Committee of the Whole Schedule can be obtained at
Christmas Tree Collection Site
Christmas Trees can be dropped off at the Composting/Grass Clipping site along 10th Ave South, south of the off-leash dog park. Residents are reminded:
-Remove all lights, ornaments, tinsel, string, garland, tree stands and any other decorations
-Do not dispose of artificial trees or other yard and household waste (only live Christmas trees will be accepted)
-Do not bag or wrap your tree (including recyclable tree bags)
-Please do not deposit any Christmas trees at the Yard Waste Composting Site
(10th Ave. S)
-Please do not stack or place trees in a manner which may cause them to easily topple over, or in an area which impedes vehicular or pedestrian traffic
Martensville Library Board Annual General Meeting
Members of the public are invited to attend the AGM of the Martensville Library Board to be held:
The Martensville Library Board is always looking for new member and new ideas. Regular Board Meetings are held approximately 5 times per year. Board Members participate in the meetings and also volunteer time to help out with special library events and fundraising.