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City of Martensville This Week

by City of Martensville

Civic Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic- What you Should Know!

At this time, all City facilities are closed to the public, including reception areas. City Staff are available to work with the public via phone or email. Questions or inquiries can be directed to City Hall via phone (306-931-2166) or inquiry@martensville.ca during this time.

Residents and Customers are requested to carry out transactions electronically such as online banking, preauthorized payments or TIPPS. Cheques may also be dropped off in the drop slot at City Hall.

After Hour Water and Sewer Emergencies – should still be directed through the Emergency line at City Hall, (306) 931-2166, ext.1.

Protective Services – There are no changes in duty or status to Protective Services such as the RCMP, Martensville Fire Department, and Ambulance Service.

Water and Sewer – These services remain unimpacted and unchanged, including water quality testing. Meter reading will continue to take place; however, staff will not be doing reads of meters located inside of homes or occupied buildings. In these cases, estimates will be taken or reads can be provided into City Hall. In respect to water and sewer emergencies, city staff will not be able to enter resident homes at this time and private contractors should be considered. The City of Martensville will no longer be charging interest on water and sewer accounts indefinitely to assist residents impacted by the COVID -19 impacts.

Garbage and Recycling – Services remain in place and on schedule with no anticipated service delays at this time.

Road Maintenance – will continue as required, including snow removal, and is not expected to change at this time.


Street Sweeping Season

Street Sweeping has commenced in the community with the emphasis on an initial sweep and a focus on the arterial and collector roadways.

Sweeping will commence in residential areas so please watch for signs and posts in your neighborhood. We ask that vehicles be removed from the streets on your ‘sweep’ day however tickets will not be issued, nor vehicles towed away.

Friendly reminder to please stay back from Street Sweeping equipment as crews work. For more information about street sweeping contact City Hall.


May Council Meeting Dates

Please Note: The upcoming Council Schedule may be subject to change based around any potential new developments around the COVID-19 Pandemic. Anyone interested in attending is strongly encouraged to contact the City Clerk prior to planning to attend.

Committee of the Whole- May 12th
Regular Council Meeting- May 19th

The Regular Council Meetings are located at Martensville City Hall Council Chambers.
Martensville City Hall – 37 Centennial Dr. S. All meetings commence at 5PM.

Those wishing to address or do a presentation to Council must be placed on the agenda. To be placed on the agenda please contact the City Clerk’s office at City Hall or visit the website for details.

The full Council and Committee of the Whole Schedule can be obtained at martensville.ca

Contactless Payment Options –  Utilities and Taxes

The City of Martensville offers a number of ‘contactless’ payment methods including:

• T.I.P.P.S The Tax Installment Payment Plan Service – offers equalized monthly property tax payments.
• Utilities Pre-authorized Payment Plan -authorize automatic withdrawal from your account from your financial institution to pay for your utility bill.
• Online & Phone – Please contact your bank for assistance in setting up online and phone payments.
• City Hall Drop-Box- Cheques can be dropped off at City Hall in the mail slot at the front of the building at your convenience.

See all ways to provide payments or to inquire about any of these services please visit Martensville.ca


Organics/Green Bin Program and Pick-ups

The City of Martensville offers a Green Bin program through Loraas Organics. This service is by subscription only. If you are interested in enrolling, please contact City Hall to sign up for this service.

Pick up of the Green Bins has commenced with regular scheduled bi-weekly collection alternating between North/South Martensville and running from May until the end of October Pick-up take place on Tuesdays. The pick-up schedule can be viewed at Martensville.ca

For information or to sign up for this program contact the Utility Clerk at City Hall

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