2018 April Council Meeting Dates
Regular Council Meeting April 17th, 2018
The Regular Council Meeting as well as all future meetings will resume back at Martensville City Hall Council Chambers.
Martensville City Hall
37 Centennial Dr. S
Those wishing to address or do a presentation to Council must be placed on the agenda. To be placed on the agenda please contact the City Clerk’s office at City Hall or visit the website for details.
The full Council and Committee of the Whole Schedule can be obtained at martensville.ca.
Loraas Organics -Green Bin Program
Sign up today for the Organics Composting Program (Green Bin). The service is by subscription only and is $10 a month for the green bin service. The fee is added to your utility bill.
Composting Guidelines: Accepting Plant waste, fruits, vegetables, coffee grounds, filters, tea bags and egg shells; No Liquids of any kind; Do not separate or bag individual items; No Proteins
Program will begin May 1st and end October 1st. Watch Martensville.ca for the pick-up schedule, to sign up and for more information about the program.
Watch for Icy Pathways!
Parks & Rec asks residents to please use caution when out on the leisure trail system. Erratic thawing and freezing weather conditions are making parts of our trail system very icy. Crews are out sanding and/or removing icy sections as much as possible.
Lane Usage During Spring Thaw
The City of Martensville encourages residents, for which their lane is a secondary means of access to their property, to limit their usage during the spring thaw period. Heavy or repetitive vehicle usage during spring thaw and wet conditions can cause further rutting and reduce drainage. This limits the ability of crews to conduct maintenance on the lanes in a timely manner and increases the amount of materials and time required to reshape lanes.
For questions or further information please contact Pubic Works at 931-2166.
Let’s Clean-up After Our Pets!
Pet owners are reminded that it is an offense to not pick-up and properly dispose of defecation from your pet when using public pathways and parks. Refuse bags and garbage cans have been placed along pathways and parks for your convenience.
Failure to pick up after your pet can result in fines up to $300.
More information about the Animal Control Bylaw can be found on Martensville.ca.
Recycling/ Blue Bin Program Update
Plastic film will be removed as an acceptable material in residential recycling bins effective immediately. Plastic film includes grocery bags, sandwich bags, cling wrap and similar items that can be ‘stretched’. These items are also usually marked HDPE (2) or LDPE (4).
Please consider using reusable shopping bags to help our landfills and environment.
Visit Lorraas.ca for additional information on this change of acceptable materials for the Recycle Program.