The City of Martensville is hosting ‘A Chance to Chat’ at City Hall tonight (Tuesday, May 29th) from 4:30pm to 7pm. This event is in place to serve as the annual open house and allows residents the chance to take a look at some of the future plans that are in place for the community, as well as discuss their concerns with Martensville City Council and Administration. “We certainly want to promote the opportunity to talk directly to the Mayor and Council about issues and items that are concerning residents today and hopefully more often than not, be able to find the answers for them quickly, or at least inform them of what is in progress in terms of the future to address some of their issues,” Community Economic Development Manager, Dillon Shewchuk said.
Those attending can take a look at some of the future growth plans for Martensville, the Municipal Sustainability Plan, the 2018 Budget, the Transportation Master Plan, Sector Planning and more. “Rather than have people visit each department individually, we wanted to provide information on what we are doing and why things run the way they do in the City,” Shewchuk added.
With a focus this year on the City’s plans for future growth, residents can take this opportunity to learn about how issues that concern them today are going to be handled in the future. “We have learned over the past 20 years that growth is going to happen no matter if you are absolutely ready or not, so we are working to prepare ourselves as much as possible to improve quality of life for not only residents today, but for future residents,” Shewchuk explained.
This is a great opportunity for residents to speak firsthand to City representatives about any concerns they may have, learn about the future of Martensville and enjoy some refreshments and cake.