The Martensville & District Kinsmen Club will be hosting their third annual Chicken & Chuckles event on Saturday, February 17th at the North Ridge Community Centre in Martensville. Since its inception in 2016, Chicken & Chuckles has grown in popularity much to the delight of the Kinsmen Club. Last year, the event brought out 240 attendees, and this year the group is looking to increase that number to 300. Those that have attended in the past are quick to purchase tickets early, knowing that they will be in for an evening full of laughter. “This year marks our third year doing this and we have three amazing Saskatchewan comedians coming this year that are definitely going to make us laugh,” James Dietrich of the Martensville & District Kinsmen Club said.
Tickets for the event are $25 and will include entertainment and the first order of wings. This year, Chicken & Chuckles will be hosted by Clayton Kroeker of CRUZ 96.3, and will include headlines Myles Morrison and Jody Peters.
Proceeds from the event will go towards TeleMiracle 42, which will be taking place March 3rd and 4th at the Conexus Arts Centre in Regina. Once again, the Martensville & District Kinsmen Club will be donating their time to provide all transportation services for the event. Each year, the local Kinsmen transport all of the stars, crew and Kin volunteers back and forth from the airport or hotels to the event centre. In addition, they also do all of the donated food pick-ups and deliver back to the event centre to feed all of the volunteers.
To purchase tickets to Chicken & Chuckles, visit ‘Martensville & District Kinsmen Club’ on Facebook, or contact any Kinsmen members. For more information you can contact Arnie Deschner at (306) 975-3951 or
Currently, the Martensville & District Kinsmen Club consists of 16 members, however new members are always accepted. To learn more about the local Kinsmen Club, they invite those interested to attend their meetings, which are held the first Monday of each month at 7pm in the Martensville Sports Centre.