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Celebrating the Success of Women Entrepreneurs

by Government of Saskatchewan

The Government of Saskatchewan has proclaimed May 19-25 as Women Entrepreneurs Week. The week recognizes and celebrates the important role women entrepreneurs play in ensuring Saskatchewan remains the best place in Canada to live, raise a family and start a business.

“Women entrepreneurs are disrupting the workforce and making a significant contribution to our entrepreneurial ecosystem,” Minister Responsible for the Status of Women Tina Beaudry-Mellor said. “I would like to thank Women Entrepreneurs of Saskatchewan for the support they provide women to create jobs and opportunities for themselves and their communities.”

“Through their hard work and passion, women entrepreneurs in Saskatchewan are making a difference in our communities and enhancing our quality of life across the province,” Trade and Export Development Minister Jeremy Harrison said. “The Government of Saskatchewan is proud to recognize this important week and the opportunity it offers to celebrate their accomplishments.”

In 2018, Saskatchewan ranked third in female share of self-employment across Canada. That number has been steadily increasing, with a reported 34,800 self-employed women in the province, a 19.6 per cent increase over the past decade.

One of the highlights of the week is the annual small business conference hosted by Women Entrepreneurs of Saskatchewan (WESK). Experience: Strategies and Technology in a Digital World is being held on May 23 at the Sheraton Cavalier Hotel in Saskatoon. The conference features workshops, a keynote speaker and panel discussions plus opportunities to learn from and network with other entrepreneurs.

Earlier this month, Saskatchewan announced a partnership with WESK to create an advisory committee examining the entrepreneurial gender gap in Saskatchewan. The committee includes representatives from government, the entrepreneurial community and the financial and legal professions. It will examine barriers women entrepreneurs encounter with a focus on access to venture capital and financial support.

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