Home » Busy Weekend for Martensville Draws Big Crowds

Busy Weekend for Martensville Draws Big Crowds

by Shanine Sealey

This weekend was a busy one for Martensville and drew a wide variety of people out to attend the numerous events that were taking place.

On Saturday, September 7th, the Martensville A&W Valley Street Stock 100 took place. The day kicked off with a Drivers’ Breakfast at A&W from 9am-11am. Those attending had a chance to meet some of their favorite drivers and have autographs signed. From 11am-3pm the street was full as people came out to see all of the vehicles on display for the ever-popular Show n’ Shine. Additionally, some family fun was provided in the Lakeview Insurance parking lot for their Banjo Bowl Customer Appreciation Day that offered free hot dogs, face painting, bouncy castles, games, prizes, race cars and more. The fun didn’t end there as the main event was taking place at Wyant Group Raceway that evening. With weather cooperating, the green flag dropped at 6:05pm and fans of all ages enjoyed the action.

The Martensville Historical Centre was also busy on September 7th as they celebrated 50 years since Martensville became a town and 10 years since becoming a city with a Party in the Park. The celebration began with tours of the Civic Centre, which was once home to Martensville’s first school. At 1pm, the Party in the Park commenced with a variety of game options, informational displays and tunes from 1969 and 2009 cranked for all to enjoy thanks to Night Owl Entertainment.

Both Saturday and Sunday saw large crowds of people making their way to the North Ridge Community Centre to attend the 11th Annual Saskatoon Gun Show. This year, a total of 35 vendors participated and if attendance was on par with the 2018 show, they could expect upwards of 1600 people coming through the door. This event is sponsored by the Saskatoon Muzzle Load Club and organizer Marcia Provenzano was pleased with both the turn out, and the support that she received for her second year organizing the popular show. “It is always an interesting experience and mostly, you just hope everything goes well and when it does, it is quite satisfying. There are always little wrinkles that come up, but we have a good group working with us and that support is so important for the outcome of these kinds of events,” Provenzano explained. The Gun Show saw a wide variety of options for people of all ages and many people had an opportunity to learn more about the items available.

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