Kathleen Friesen has always been passionate about writing, and for many years, used her writing as a personal expression; however, after taking an online writing course around 2000, she decided to take the leap and share her writing with the public.
Since then, Friesen has written a total of five Christian Contemporary Romance novels, and recently released her second in her Rockwell Chronicles series. This series follows four Rockwell siblings and their journeys to love and is a Canadian based series set in a fictional city within the Okanagan.
This Saturday, August 13 from noon until 3pm, the public is invited to attend a book signing for ‘Hearts Unbroken’ at Clearcut Coffeehouse in Martensville. This novel follows the first of the series ‘Hearts Unfolding’, and copies of both will be available at the book signing.
Friesen, who is originally from the USA, came to Saskatchewan for Bible school, met and married her Canadian sweetheart and called the province home for 30 years; living in Martensville from 1978 to 1990 and then on an acreage between Martensville and Warman for the next 13 years before moving to the Okanagan for 15 years. Approximately 4 years ago, the couple decided to make the trek back to Saskatchewan to be closer to family, and Friesen noted, “Especially the grandkids!”
Martensville is a place that the Friesen’s have always been fond of and kept close ties to, with Kathleen’s husband Ron even serving on Martensville Town Council for several years.
When asked about her inspiration for her novels, Friesen stated, “Life, loss and hope. I don’t know anyone who hasn’t experienced some kind of brokenness and I want my stories to offer hope.”
“My first novel, Melody’s Song, is currently being re-edited and should be ready before Christmas. Nila’s Hope and Redemption’s Whisper follow it, and those three stories are set in the Saskatoon area,” Friesen noted.
“To Logan Rockwell, Paige Donnelly is his younger sister’s flirty friend—nothing more—until he rescues her from a horrific accident and yearns to be more than her hero.”
“Paige’s crush on Logan and dreams of catching his attention began years ago. Although the crash brought them together, her dreams died with a choice she’d made and would always regret.”
“Can Paige find forgiveness for what she feels is an unforgivable wrong? Can Logan be her forever hero, or will his ambition destroy their chance at lasting love?”