Home » Are You Ready for Canada Day in Martensville

Are You Ready for Canada Day in Martensville

by Shanine Sealey

Canada Day is fast approaching and the Martensville Information & Visitor Centre (MIVC) has been busy preparing for this year’s celebrations. This year marks the 14th year that the MIVC has been hosting this event.

In 2009, the very first event was held as ‘The Literacy Olympics’, and according to Kristee Lynn Adrian, the Executive Director of the MIVC, literacy is still included in current Canada Day planning, whether through reading, writing, spoken communication, learning a new skill, or even through sports literacy.

The past two years changed things up for this community event due to the pandemic, therefore it was evaluated. “The MIVC became very creative with how the event is carried out and it still remains a mix of both for those who may not be able to get out and enjoy the event and with an aim of trying to make things as inclusive as possible. In having a combination of festivities it allows for us to convert to online if anything changes and still carry-on with celebrating our nation’s birthday,” Adrian said.

This year, there will be a combination of both online and in-person events held. There will be a new spin on events that will now be held outdoors such as story time, crafts, outdoor games and a new addition of an animal hunt that will be held throughout Kinsmen Park.

Canada Day in Martensville would not be possible without the support of volunteers, grants, sponsorships and donations. “We are fortunate to have some business and service group support from here in our community; however COVID has impacted this support over the last couple of years,” Adrian added.

Volunteers are still needed for Canada Day, and those interested in participating in this event can contact the MIVC at (306)242-0362 by phone or text, email martensvilleinfo@sasktel.net, or sign up online at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B4BAFA82FA2FF2-canada.

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